Marking the completion of their apprenticeship, graduates were recognised for their achievements at the MAST Graduation on 14 March at Auckland’s Royal New Zealand Yacht Squadron.

Celebrating alongside our graduates were all who have supported them throughout their training to obtain their trade qualification, including the MAST Training Advisors. “It’s a journey of opportunities and challenges – all of which shape their personal and professional growth” says MAST Training Advisor Robert Howatson. “We’re extremely proud to shake their hand as they receive their qualification certificate.”
The strong presence of marine-related industries (including composite and industrial textiles) at graduation, highlighted the interconnectedness and collaboration essential for developing skilled trades people in our sectors.
“It was a fantastic evening celebrating the achievements of our newest industry graduates!
Recognising their hard work and the diverse talent across the trades in front of 220 guest and industry peers was extremely rewarding for those that have supported their journey. It’s reassuring to know that the future of the industry’s is bright with such talent.” – Chris van der Hor, MAST CEO
MAST graduates are from a diverse range of marine industries covering areas of boatbuilding, composites, marina operations & marina facilities, marine systems engineering, outboard servicing, powerboat rigging, industrial textiles, marine coatings, marine interiors and sail making.
Graduate Andrea Rosenbaum from F50 League NZ Ltd, spoke of her journey and that there is no boundaries to what can be achieved. She was grateful to the MAST Academy training saying her training with MAST “allowed her to learn, not only how it is done, but why.” Beginning her apprentice with SailGP, Andrea received the APEX Achievement Award for outstanding achievement at the cutting edge of technology. Sponsored by digital innovation company Waxeye, Andrea also received two virtual reality headsets.
Before presenting the special awards, guest speaker and one of New Zealand’s most respected sportsmen, Rob Waddell inspired graduates and guests alike with key areas of his success and motivations.

Each award sponsor spoke of the winners outstanding attributes and recognised for their forward thinking and mentorship were the winners of Outstanding Marine Graduate, Jay MacDonald from Gulfland Marine and Outstanding Composite Graduate, Joshua Court of Buckland Marine.
The Dale Carnegie Emerging Leader Award went to Ethan Holland of Makaira Boats for his determination and commitment to producing high-quality work.
MAST Training was proud to sponsor one of the two Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) which were awarded to Courteney Fox. The second RYLA award for the week-long leadership programme was given to Hunter McKay-Coombe by Lesley McLagan of the Rotary Club of Highbrook.
In addition, MAST recognises those who train within the workplace, the supervisors and leaders who mentor support and encourage the continuity of quality. This years’ Workplace Trainer Award went to Gavin Bickers from Stabibuild in Warkworth.
The MAST graduation was not only a celebration of individual achievements, but an occasion to recognise and appreciate the collective efforts of all those involved in developing talent and fostering excellence within our marine and specialised technology industries.