Pivotel New Zealand provides leading edge mobile satellite communication solutions to defence, maritime, civil defence and other organisations for their use around the world. Our strength is providing end to end solutions covering, hardware, air time connections, training, peripherals such as encryption, after sales care and replacement units in case of a unit failure.
We are the leading distributor of Iridium products and services in New Zealand. In order to offer the best remote area and mobile communications solutions to our clients, we have alliances with major global satellite airtime providers, and are the NZ distributor for communications equipment manufacturers like Thrane & Thrane, Sailor/SP Radio and others.
Pivotel is the only accredited and registered Inmarsat Service Provider (ISP) operating a Point of Service Activation (PSA) for Inmarsat. PSA can accept and process applications for Inmarsat satellite telephones or Mobile Earth Stations (MES) as they are called, service activations, assign Inmarsat Mobile Numbers, and to transmit customer service activation information to Inmarsat and the appropriate national bodies.