Stress Free Marine, based in Adelaide has leapt to the forefront of electric anchor winch technology with its superbly designed and engineered products. Raising the anchor is no longer an issue, regardless of your boat size or operating area. Nor is dropping the pick accurately and quickly if your fishing ground is limited in size. The Stress Free is an electric drum-style anchor winch designed to fit neatly into the anchor well. Regardless of your boat size raising the anchor or dropping the pick accurately has been made a breeze with the Stress Free. The original Stress Free (power up/power down version) has been tested and proven over a period of 17 years. The standard version allows the anchor to be raised or lowered with the flick of a switch. This winch is a sought after product however the introduction of the new and improved Next Generation (NG) Series took the brand to a new level. The NG Series Stress Free has Power Up; Power Down and Freefall. All functions are executed with the flick of a switch from the helm. The NGs free fall system allows the anchor to The drum can only free spool with weight pulling down therefore once the anchor hits the seabed floor the drum will automatically stop, totally eliminating the risk of an over run. Also in the event of an electrical failure the drum can be mechanically moved off the drive system to allow the anchor to be deployed for safety. There are four off the shelf models to suit boats from 4 meters to 10 meters plus and each model comes in 2 versions – Standard (power up/power down) and NG Series (power up/power down and freefall). All can be fitted in a relatively short time at home, or they can be ordered as an optional extra when buying a new boat or as an aftermarket purchase. The Stress Free can be custom made to suit larger boats. Many other allied products are manufactured by Stress Free Marine, namely the Trailer Winch, Deep Sea Fishing Reel, Pot Hauler, Pot Lifter, Winch Cam and they all designed to meet the needs of the boaties. Boating safety is paramount and integral to our research and development department. As boaties head further offshore the need for more sophisticated boating equipment will be required you can guarantee the Stress Free team will be at the forefront of any new innovations.
For more information, including model specifications as well as OEM and dealer pricing, contact Stress Free at or on the web at
To be directed to a representative contact Stress Free Marine:
Telephone +61 8 8382 5283