Just about everything can be done right here in Whitianga through our trusted marine associates we can also organise your trailer W.O.F, Upholstery Repairs and Refits, SignWriting, Fiberglass Repairs and more, meaning you can drop your boat at one shop and we can take care of everything, giving you a stress free service experience and saving you the hassle of having to tow the boat over the hill.
Boat sales (selling on your behalf), Engine Sales Inboard and Outboard, Electronic sales and installation for all of the best brands of Fishfinders, Radar and Gps Units, Sound system units and Speakers, A certified service centre, Fully equipped workshop with the latest CDS Computer Diagnostic Systems, Trained and experienced service technicians, Specialists in boat fit-outs, mechanical repairs and servicing all brands of outboards and MerCruiser stern drives, Engine and Gearbox rebuilds and installations, Boat Rewiring and Accessory fitting, Spare Parts Sales ( Orders placed daily), Boat Trailer Sales, Repair, Parts and Accessories, Warranty work, Insurance work.