You are warmly invited to the Marine Biosecurity Seminar Series organised by the Top of the North Marine Biosecurity Partnership and the Top of the South Marine Biosecurity Partnership. A series of three webinars will be held in May and June and are free to attend. (Registration link below).
Who should pay for marine biosecurity?
10am Wednesday 24 May
From visiting ships to cruising yachts and even kayaks, no boat is immune to marine pest infestations. But when it comes to preventing the spread of pests domestically, local boat owners shoulder the burden of checking, cleaning and maintaining their vessels. However, we all benefit from marine pest management and the environmental protection it brings.
How should marine biosecurity be funded and what role do the beneficiaries and exacerbators of marine biosecurity effectively play in the big picture?
Thank you to our panelists from: Aquaculture NZ, Kelly Tarlton Marine Wildlife Trust, Yachting New Zealand, Northland Regional Council and the NZ Marina Operators Association.
Filling gaps in our clean hull framework
10am Wednesday 31 May
More infrastructure is one part of the solution for boat operators needing maintenance options to maintain great hull hygiene, but there are also other solutions – from new-look facilities, to new and emerging antifoul coating products and antifoul alternatives to solutions for underwater structures, and the role of education in creating a new ‘hull hygiene’ mindset mindset. We hear from a range of experts about their experience, their wins, and their ideas for the future.
Thanks to panelists from: Half Moon Bay Marina and Boatyard, Nelson Marina, Cawthron Institute, Heron Construction, Marine Protection Solutions, Carbotech and the Environmental Protection Authority.
Marine biosecurity tools – information and tools for council staff
10am Wednesday 7 June
Surveillance, incursion response, regulations and education: how are the regions working to prevent the spread of marine pests and what is most effective? Hear from experienced practitioners leading the way in this field in the North and South Islands.
Thanks to speakers from: Northland Regional Council, Marlborough District Council, Bay of Plenty Regional Council and the Top of the South Marine Biosecurity Partnership and the Top of the North Marine Biosecurity Partnership.
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